
TDD Workshop

Thanks to everyone for coming out to the TDD workshop (the first in a series that Alistair McKinnell and I are facilitating). Thanks to Guidewire for providing the space. I've published the workshop outline, and an updated Ruby Cheat Sheet.

What if I missed the workshop?

You can do the workshop on your own. Do the FizzBuzz kata. Next, do the String Calculator kata. For both katas, use TDD, Ruby, and pair.

There are 2 tools that will help you get started with TDD:
  • The TDD cycle. Red-Green-Refactor will help you remain focused and work in small steps.
  • Learn Arrange-Act-Assert. This will provide a mental model for how you structure your tests, and allow you to break down writing the test into smaller steps. Here's a tip: when you write a test, start with the Assert, and work backwards to the Act section, and finally write the Arrange section.
Choose one of the 4 following missions (to be completed before Aug 14):

What if I don't know ruby?

A good online ruby resource is Ruby Essentials.

What if I don't know how to program?

I recommend the book Learn to Program.

When's the next workshop?

Right now we're looking for a space. If you're happy to provide a space with wireless access for 20 developers one evening, drop me a line.

How can I help improve the workshop?

Let me know what worked and didn't work for you in the first workshop. Post a comment or email me.