Thanks to everyone for coming out to the TDD workshop (the first in a series that Alistair McKinnell and I are facilitating). Thanks to Guidewire for providing the space. I've published the workshop outline, and an updated Ruby Cheat Sheet.
What if I missed the workshop?
You can do the workshop on your own. Do the FizzBuzz kata. Next, do the String Calculator kata. For both katas, use TDD, Ruby, and pair.There are 2 tools that will help you get started with TDD:
- The TDD cycle. Red-Green-Refactor will help you remain focused and work in small steps.
- Learn Arrange-Act-Assert. This will provide a mental model for how you structure your tests, and allow you to break down writing the test into smaller steps. Here's a tip: when you write a test, start with the Assert, and work backwards to the Act section, and finally write the Arrange section.
- Form a reading group (recommended first book: Refactoring: Ruby Edition)
- Do a coding kata solo for 7 days in a row
- Meetup with someone to work on a kata together (7 hours)
- Ruby Mendicant University (do entrance exam)