
Tools Update

Static Website Hosting

I switched from using Tripod to GitHub Pages to host my website hiddenqueue.com.

Instead of FTPing changes to my website, I now manage changes using Git, and publish changes using 'git push'. The 'git push' is significantly quicker than FTPing, which has resulted in me updating my site more frequently.

The versioning provided by Git is what made this post possible. I easily went through the Git log with GitX to compile a list of tools for this post.

Rails Hosting

Heroku offers provisionless Rails hosting. Instead of an hour to set up a Rails host on Slicehost using Deprec, it now takes seconds. Instead of taking minutes to publish changes using Capistrano, it now takes seconds.


CurdBee is a joy to use, a simple elegant invoicing application, and a source of inspiration for web design.

TextMate Tips

I like this Cucumber TextMate Bundle. I no longer run 'script/generate feature'.

There's a global setting to filter unwanted files in TextMate.

Pastie Bin

I switched from pastie.org to Gist. I no longer endure the slow page loads of pastie.org.

Solution Focused Brief Therapy

I recently used solution focused brief therapy on an Agile coaching contract, and I'm happy with the results. The method: never give advice; even when it's asked for. Instead, facilitate people creating their own solutions.