<project> <property name="address" value="yourname@gmail.com"/> <property name="password" value="yourpassword"/> <tstamp/> <property name="save.file" location="./save-${DSTAMP}-${TSTAMP}.zip.bak" /> <zip destfile="${save.file}"> <fileset dir="/Users/home"> <include name=".bash_profile"/> <include name="root/save/**"/> <include name="Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/firefox/bookmarks.html"/> <include name="Library/Application Support/iTerm/Scripts/**"/> <include name="Library/Workflows/Applications/Finder/**"/> </fileset> </zip> <mail mailhost="smtp.gmail.com" mailport="465" from="${address}" tolist="${address}" user="${address}" password="${password}" ssl="on" encoding="mime" subject="Backup" message="Backup" files="${save.file}" /> <delete file="${save.file}" /> </project>
Gmail as Backup System
I use the Ant Mail task to backup my system to Gmail. To get the 'mail' task to run, activation.jar and mail.jar will both need to be downloaded and placed in '${ANT_HOME}/lib'. I use '.bak' for the zip file extension, since Gmail will not permit zip attachments that have executables (i.e. '.bat' and '.exe' files). I created a filter in Gmail to archive these e-mails so they don't show up in my inbox. Note: Gmail caps e-mail attachments to 10MB. Here's the Ant 'build.xml' file: